Chelsey, I found your blog linked to one of my cousin's blogs. You create such beautiful cakes! I didn't know how to contact you other than to leave a comment, so I hope this works. My Dad is turning 60 at the end of October. We are having a party on Oct. 31. His life, love and passion is fishing. I was wondering if you are available to make a fisherman cake and what info you would need from me to give me a price. I look forward to hearing from you. Kallee Pollmann
Chelsey, I found your blog linked to one of my cousin's blogs. You create such beautiful cakes! I didn't know how to contact you other than to leave a comment, so I hope this works. My Dad is turning 60 at the end of October. We are having a party on Oct. 31. His life, love and passion is fishing. I was wondering if you are available to make a fisherman cake and what info you would need from me to give me a price. I look forward to hearing from you. Kallee Pollmann